
This website was created as part of a class project aimed at examining some aspect of digital technology at Rutgers. Here are the students behind the project.  

Sean Benson

Sean Benson is a 23 years old Communications major with a  minor in Entrepreneurship. He is excited and happy to be apart of this project!

Dalia El Akbani

Dalia El Akbani is a junior and Political Science major. She is interested in how technology has shaped campus life over the years and loved learning about the first hand accounts from folks across the university. Her favorite Rutgers meme is anything that has to do with the Busch geese.

Jared Gaudreau

Jared Gaudreau is a 20 year old Rutgers student with a Major in Cinema Studies and a minor in Creative Writing. His favorite meme is ‘Aliens!’

Edward Joaquin

Edward Joaquin is a 21 year old  junior and a Biology major. His favorite meme is the Franklin snail meme.

Suhyon Kim

Suhyon Kim is a 23 year old, Chemistry major at Rutgers.  My favorite meme is ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ on the Livingston Campus

Ryan Kraus

Ryan Kraus  is a senior at Rutgers and is majoring in Finance. He took Digital Humanities to explore topics that he is not normally exposed to in the business school. He thoroughly enjoys memes on procrastination, as they are what he relates to the most.

Christina Nikovits


Christina is pursuing a degree in History accompanied by a minor in American Studies and Art History. Her love of research has been useful in this project as a way to find out how Rutgers’ relationship with technology has changed. At her time at Rutgers, she sees how dependent students are to technology and hopes to illustrate the effects of this to the whole community of Rutgers

 Zachary Refinski

your Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, standing and suit

Zachary Refinski  is a senior graduating this May with a degree in Political Science and a minor in American Studies and plans on attending law school in the fall of 2019. 

 Chanina Wong

Chanina Wong is a Rutgers student studying American Studies with a minor in Art History

Course Overview

This project was a part of the Digital Humanities course at Rutgers University. It is a Junior Seminar in the American Studies Department. This course will explore the field of the digital humanities, and how identities, ideas, social behavior, and communication get mediated through digital technologies and mediums.


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