Introducing Full Text Finder

On August 18 the Libraries upgraded to Full Text Finder, EBSCO’s newest holdings and link management tool designed to replace its A-to-Z and LinkSource services, which are being phased out. A-to-Z is the product that powers the Libraries’ electronic journals search. LinkSource is the product that powers its link resolver service (locally known as “Get it @ R”). You may notice some changes to these interfaces. Below is a quick summary of what to expect.

The new e-journals search interface is a little cleaner, better organized, and offers a variety of new features including:

  • Responsive autocomplete to facilitate known title searching
  • Discipline-specific browsing to help users identify titles in their subject area
  • Filters to refine results by subject, format, or publisher

Click to enlarge.


The new link resolver menu has been streamlined to help users determine the availability of an item faster, more efficiently, and with less confusion. New features include:

  • Improved menu layout and design
  • Intuitive labels and icons
  • Real-time catalog lookup for print holdings
  • Fail-safe options in case of link resolver error

Click to enlarge.

Please be sure to update any guides or tutorials that refer to these products. Links to the old A-to-Z Journals and Citation Linker pages have automatically been updated in LibGuides, but you may want to double check your guides just to be sure.

As with any software migration, you may notice some irregularities as we work to resolve temporary glitches. If you have any questions or wish to report a technical problem, please contact

Special thanks to the Serials Team for their work migrating our holdings data as well as the Web Team for their help customizing the design of the interface.

Joseph Deodato