2018 Faculty Staff Picnic

Before we get swept away in another fall semester, I’d like to take one last opportunity to thank everyone who attended the faculty/staff picnic in August. It was a fantastic event–dry despite the forecast of rain–and the catering, games, and… Continue Reading

Creativity, Inc., Ex Libris Implementation, and Working without a Script

It has been more than a year (March 2017) since I wrote an Agenda post about one of my favorite books on organizational success, Creativity Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces that Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull… Continue Reading

Shared and Central Components of the Rutgers University Libraries Service Framework

With the pending release of Alma and Primo, this seems like a good time to continue the discussion of Frameworks. In March, I talked about the local components of a service Framework. Items described in the ‘Local’ and ‘Local Infrastructure’… Continue Reading

Themes from the March Cabinet Retreat

Krisellen Maloney

For the last two months, I have used the Agenda to provide updates about a framework we are developing to provide us with a common vocabulary and a shared understanding of the relationships and dependencies between local and central services.… Continue Reading


Local Components of the Rutgers University Libraries Framework Matrix

Support Matrix (local only)

Last month I introduced the idea of using Frameworks to describe our increasingly complex environment. As a reminder, Frameworks provide a way to divide complex processes into manageable chunks while retaining information about relationships and dependencies between the components. Developing… Continue Reading

Thinking about Frameworks

It seems that in every aspect of the work of academic libraries, there is an increased interest in frameworks. For example, in response to the ”rapidly changing higher education environment,” the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education transitioned… Continue Reading

State of the Libraries Recap

This month, I just want to express my gratitude once again to everyone who helped make State of the Libraries so special. From the major events committee to the poster presenters to those of you in the audience–our colleagues are… Continue Reading

We Are Not Alone – Thoughts on the BTAA Meeting

Collections graphic

I know that we spend a lot of time focused on building infrastructure. Our top priorities involve undergraduate success and strengthening information control to ensure that our users have efficient, reliable access to information resources. I just got back from… Continue Reading

How Do We Handle New Requests in the Planning Process?

As busy as we all are, sometimes it can be difficult to see the tremendous progress we’ve made in the last couple of years—particularly with something as diffuse as the priorities planning process. Our most recent cabinet meeting provides a… Continue Reading