Alma Analytics Tips: Lifecycle and Status

When creating reports in Alma Analytics, there are a couple of filters or dimensions that you should be using frequently to help you refine the figures you are reporting. Two such dimensions are Lifecycle and Status. Dimensions containing the term Lifecycle filter for records that are active or deleted and dimensions containing the term Status filter for records or transactions that are active, inactive, or contain a specific status. You should search for these terms when creating reports to determine which dimensions are available in each Analytics subject area and then use them regularly to make better reports.

Lifecycle – The Lifecycle dimensions can be found in Analytics subject areas that provide selections on bibliographic records, such as E-Inventory, Physical Items, and Titles. For example, if you search for Lifecycle in, the Physical Items subject area, you will see Lifecycle at three levels indicating you can filter for active or deleted records at the title, holding, or item level.

Screenshot of alma analytics showing lifecycle

Lifecycle options typically are:

  1. Deleted – record has been deleted
  2. In Repository – record has not been deleted

Status – The Status dimensions are found in almost any Analytics subject area and store the status of the record or transaction such as Item in place or Item not in place, active or inactive, active or completed. There are a variety of statuses related to each subject area and Analytics users should examine them, review the options, and determine whether selections are needed in these dimensions. Some of the more frequently used statuses are:

  1. Loan Status – use this to filter on items actively on loan or not. This dimension is found in the Fulfillment and Fines and Fees subject area and the options are:
    1. Active – loan is current
    2. Inactive – loan is not current
  2. Fines Fees Status – use this to filter on items with active/outstanding fines. This dimension is found in the Fines and Fees subject area and the options are:
    1. Active – fine still outstanding
    2. Closed – fine has been paid or waived
  3. User – Status – use this to filter on users who are active or not. This dimension is found in the Fulfillment, Requests, Fines and Fees, and the Users subject area and the options are:
    1. Active – user record is in Alma and is currently active
    2. Inactive – user record is in Alma but not active
    3. Deleted – user record has been deleted from Alma
  4. Request – Status – use this to filter requests by current status. This dimension is found in Requests and the options are:
    1. Active – request is active and there is an available item to fulfill it
    2. Completed – request is completed
    3. Failed – request has failed.
    4. Ready – request is active but there is no available item to fulfill it
    5. Rejected – Alma staff member canceled an active request
    6. Rejected by Library – request cancelled. The cancellation reason is Canceled at patron’s request.
    7. Rejected by Patron – request cancelled. The cancellation reason is Patron no longer interested.

More information about dimensions like Lifecycle and Status and others that can be used in each Analytics subject area can be found here. If you have follow-up questions related to this article or need assistance creating a report in Alma Analytics please send a message to

Chris Sterback